To help pass the time during Covid lockdown, I got a desktop CNC mill. And while it came with a great set of controls and tools, the included work holding and enclosure lacked something to be desired.
The enclosure kept in dust, but none of the noise. To remedy this, I put together an enclosure made out of two layers of 1/4” MDF glued together with sound-dampening glue. The layer of glue between the MDF absorbed more sound than plain 1/2” MDF would have, and weather stripping and cable glands at all of the openings stopped sound from escaping.
To uplevel the work holding, I drew inspiration from existing modular vise systems, and machined a threaded tooling plate to replace the bed the mill came with. However, existing modular vises would have take up too much of this mill’s limited Z travel, so I designed a custom modular vise that allowed stock to be held as low as 0.1” above the mill’s bed.